BHUJANGASANA - Bloger Akshit

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Tuesday, December 25, 2018




The word "Bhujang" is derived from Sanskrit language. Bhujang means snake, hence Bhujang-Asana is also called "Sarp Asana". Bhujangasan is called Cobra Pose in English. Of all the rugs, Bhujang Asana is a famous seat. It is very easy for patients with back pain. Bhujangasan comes in the seventh order in Suryanamaskar, which is called full exercise. By doing this beneficial posture per day, it provides strength to the shoulders, arms, wheels, back, kidneys, and liver, and many diseases get rid of it.

How to do padding seat(Bhujangasana)


  • First of all select a clean and clean airy place for the Bhujang Asana. After that lay down the mat (mat) and lie down on the stomach.
  • Then spread both the legs long and well. And put chin on the ground. Keep both hands on the ground, keeping both the elbows tied with ribs on both sides. (Note- Remember that your hands should be straight and the ground should be more, and both the elbows should be straight and twisted in the sky).
  • While keeping Bhujang Asana, take special care of the fact that both the hands should have the claws, always under the shoulders (on the ground).
  • Now place your head on the floor. And then by closing your eyes and then filling inside the breath body, slowly raise the chin, then lift the neck towards the sky. Then lift your chest up slowly. And then lift your stomach portion slowly.
  • Now forward, move the neck back upwards to back the back (like the command). Put emphasis on the body for upstairs, as little force as possible on your hands. Keep in mind that putting the front part of both feet on the ground is to try to lift the front part of the body at normal speed.
  • After Bhujang Asana arrives in this posture, open your eyes and keep the respiratory motion normal (breathing in normal speed and leave it out). And for the first time, keep this asana currency from twenty seconds to thirty seconds. Then start moving the raised body upwards.
  • After starting the posture with the stomach of the stomach, initially, after returning to that poster, criticize your head on both hands or put your head on the ground, rest for as long as you have done the Bhujang posture. .
  • After taking Bhujangasan, you should erase the fatigue of the breath.

Time Duration Of Bhujangasana

  • Bhujang Asana should be done three times in the beginning. (I.e., a set of twenty seconds to thirty seconds and such three sets) can increase gradually by increasing its number to five, seven, eleven or twenty-one times.
  • Bhujang Asan should stay in the posture for a maximum of twenty to thirty seconds, after which it should be done again and again, the time limit can be increased with practice, but the body gets more pain as long as it is harmful to stay in the buzzing posture. Could.

Benefits of Bhujanga Asana - Benefits of Bhujangasana

benefits of bhujangasana

  • Regular use of Bhujang Asana gives women the benefit of problems related to the menstrual cycle. And reproductive diseases are also removed.
  • The back bone strengthens the backbone. The cure disease is removed, the gas problem is eradicated. The digestive system is strong and the weight loss also gets removed in the stomach. Taking this exercise in the morning every morning the bone becomes ligid.
  • Bhujang Asana is beneficial to the patient in the abdomen. Other common diseases in the neck also get rid of the use of Bhujang Asana.
  • Kidney and liver remain healthy by making Bhujangasan. And if a person has diseases related to kidney, liver or abdomen, then he gets rid of the disease by doing a Bhujang posture. This asana body also increases the immune system.
  • Individuals who sit and work throughout the day increase the extra fat around the stomach and waist. If such person performs Bhujang posture every day, then fat can be reduced fast.
  • By breathing, the breathing pattern gets better.

  • More benefits are given below:

  • Bhujangasan: Bhujangasan activates the pancreas and helps in the formation of insulin in the right amount.
  • Body makes the body beautiful: Bhujangasan: It plays a big role in making the body beautiful and beautiful. This yoga practice brings all the body stretch and it is very helpful in digesting the body's excess fat.
  • Bhujangasan to reduce the stomach fat: If this yoga is done in front of the specialist, then surely the weight of the body will decrease and you can get rid of obesity. For this, you should take excessive stretch in the stomach part and hold this exercise for as long as possible. For a quick result, you should have strong Bhujangasan in which you take your body completely on the palm and toe.
  • Bhujangasan to reduce waist pain: If this easy to be done properly then there is a lot of relief in the back pain. If done regularly, it can always be nourished with waist pains forever.
  • Bhujangasan Asthma: This yogic method is very beneficial for asthma patients. It causes stiffness in the lungs and increases the penetration capacity of the oxygen in the lungs.
  • For Bhujangasan gynecology: Regularly doing this yoga exercise can prevent many diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhoea etc.
  • For Bhujangasan thyroid: When you do this easy and in practice, if you see the roof, there is a good stretch in the neck area which is helpful in activating thyroid and parathyroid glands and it is beneficial for problems like thyroid. .
  • For Bhujanganan slip disc: If this yoga is practiced correctly, problems like slip disc can be recovered.
  • For Bhujanganan digestion: This posture is helpful in secretion of Amasya juice and prevents many problems like constipation, indigestion, gas, acidity etc. It can digest you too, it strengthens and strengthens.
  • Bhujangasan for stress free: It affects the easy adrenaline gland and helps in the secretion of adrenaline hormone and thus helps in reducing stress, anxiety, depression etc.

Caution in Bhujangasan - Precautions / Side-Effects for Bhujang Aasana

precautions of bhujangasana

  • When carrying the front seat of the body, taking the front part of your body from the ground and taking it down it is very important to ensure that there is an equal force on the palms of both hands.
  • Do not compress both ends of your shoulders while doing the Bhujang Asana. Keeping the shoulders stretching as much as possible. And keep the relaxes. Keep your mouth mood pleased while doing this asana. Experience the enjoyment of asana and do not use excessive force from body constraints.
  • Serious type of back pain / serious back pain should be done only after the doctor's advice. If there is shortness of stomach ache, then this should not be done asana. Do not shave the back and the head should not be folded backwards.
  • The patient of hernia should do "no" at all. Ulcer patients also do not have a bad breath. Pregnant women should not use Bhujang Asana. Women should not practice this asana even during the monthly cycle. If any kind of surgery is done on the body, then this posture should be done only after the doctor's advice.

More precautions are below:

  • If you have a very short back pain, keep it in between the legs while doing yoga so that at least the stretch falls on the waist.
  • Pregnant women should avoid doing this yoga.
  • Patients suffering from hernia and ulcers should not have this asana.
  • Slip discs and sitikas should take special care during this yoga practice.
  • After doing this asana, the yakas, which are forward bending, should be performed like Naikasana, Pawanmuktasanan, Halasan and Mountains.


I hope that all of you will like this brief information and benefits about BHUJANGASANA. This is also a type of YOGA which help you to be more fitter and energetic in your life.

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