YOGA FOR KIDS - Bloger Akshit

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Thursday, November 1, 2018


                                                            YOGA FOR KIDS

yoga for kids
yoga for kids

It’s no secret that yoga is a popular activity these days. From gyms, to studios, to schools, the practice is becoming all the more mainstream and taking on new and varied forms. One of the wonderful things to come out of the yoga craze is the accessibility for children.

Teaching yoga to children opens the door to a lifelong practice that nurtures healthy bodies, minds, and spirits.

That being said, if you’re thinking of practicing yoga with your youngster or teaching a class to children, be prepared to shake things up a bit. While many adults turn to yoga to find peace and release tension in their bodies, children are motivated by one overarching factor: fun.

To peak their interest and keep them engaged, it’s important to present kids with fun and exciting poses. Once engaged, we can begin to weave in breathing and meditation exercises so that they can also reap the wonderful benefits that yoga has to offer.

In today's everyday life, children have also started getting into grief. That is why it becomes necessary that children should be kept more active. To keep the children active, you should take children for a walk with you or you can do yoga and yoga with children. But do you know that children should not have to do all kinds of yoga, not only children should also take precautions during Yoga. But before that you should also know what the benefits of doing yoga are to children. Can children also lose weight through Yoga? Let's Learn What to Do During Yoga, Do not Do It

Yoga for kids

Simplify the waist in the seat rabbits sitting during the yoga of children.
Stand straight in the standing rugs.
Ask the children to take a long breath, so that children of Yoga can get immense benefits.
To focus on any work, keep explaining the importance of yoga and the benefits of yoga in between.
Get accustomed to children by which children feel adventurous during Yoga.

Benefits of yoga for kids

Yoga makes children more active than ever. Not only this, their body becomes more flexible.
Yoga strengthens the immune system of children and helps prevent diseases.
Yoga of children is focused on their work, and the development of children's brain is also in the right form.
Yoga is very useful in making children active and confident.
Yoga is beneficial to keep children fit and seasonal diseases.
The mind of the playful children is rested with Surya Namaskar, Meditation and Yogasana.
Yoga improves children and avoids problems like depression.
Yoga can be cured by stubborn children and yoga is very beneficial in controlling the anger of children who are very angry.
Children should be done for positive thinking and for the overall development of children.

Yoga will make your child fit and intelligent

All the parents want their child to be healthy and fit, but this is not easy in today's stress and competition life. In such a situation, they need a healthy start. So why do not you take a healthy step in this direction today and give them a wonderful lifestyle, as well as a healthy gift for their all-round development.

Wake and stretch

1. Down Dog - Underneath Swanasanan

- Lie on the floor directly on the stomach.
- Bring the two palms closer to the chest and rise upwards.
- Raise the hip from the ground, so that the shape of the body becomes like V-shape.
- Now look at both legs.
- Come to normal stage.


The brain develops, improves the respiratory system, strengthens the body's upper part, and also removes fatigue.


- Sit in Sudhasan
-  Keep the hands in the gut, or add both palms to the posture of prayer.
- Keep breathing while uttering long breaths.
- Repeat 3-5 times.


 It increases oxygen-rich blood circulation in the brain. They develop the power of meditation.

yoga for kids
yoga for kids

Please relax

1. Humming B-Brahmri

- Sit in Sudhasan.
Breathe your eyes off and put a finger in the ears and breathe out of the sound of the dhanghamam.


Reduces the stress caused by anger and fatigue, strengthens the vocal cords, shuts down the lack of sleep and accelerates the process of healing the body tissues.

2. Tease Up - Shitaly Pranayama

- Sit in Sudhasan or Padmasan.
- Make the tube like roll by rolling both sides. If you are not able to roll the tongue, then make a little more than the mouth.
- Take breath from the tongue and breathe in the nose.
- Repeat this action 5-10 times at your convenience.


This posture purifies the blood and makes the children calm and mentally calm.

3. Tree Pose - Ekdadasan

- Stand upright.
- Bend the right leg knee and place it on the top or bottom of the knee to the left leg.
- If you want, then put two children in the side by holding each other's hands and pushing them to do this asana.


 It enhances concentration, confidence and balance among children. This seat makes the legs strong.

For Confidence and Balance

1. Bo Poz - Dhanurasan

- Sit straight on the stomach and keep both hands straight.
- Take a long breath and turn the chest up by twisting both feet with knees.
- Hold both the ankles of both legs with both hands, which will become the size of the bow according to the picture.
- Come back to the condition before leaving breath.


This leads to good stretching of the chest, shoulders, arms, stomach and thighs. This posture strengthens the muscles of the back and legs to correct the body poster. To increase creativity

To increase creativity

1. Note Potz-Natrajasanan

- Stand upright.
- Hold the right foot knee and hold with the right hand.
- Make a tip of the tipot by turning the left hand on the elbow and painting it in the picture.


 Make legs, hips and neck strong and flexible. The spinal cord also strengthens. Children from this Poshcher learn how to make new dance steps themselves, which also develop their creative thinking.

Rock and roll

1. Star Pose-Utthat Tadasan

- Stand upright.
- Spread both hands and feet bending right or left, in such a way that the star shapes are made according to the picture.
- Keep breathing normally. Repeat this verse 2-4 times.


It is even better to have physical activities such as walking, balancing and rolling.

yoga for kids
yoga for kids

2. Snake Pauses- Bhujangasan

- Lie down on the stomach. Keep both palms near the chest.
Breathing, lift head, shoulders and chest upwards by the picture.
- Bring the head down while breathing and relax for a while.


This posture strengthens the muscles of the hand, giving children a lot of help in writing. The spinal cord and the back of the children are also strengthened. Also, this posture improves lung function by improving digestive tract.

3. Falling Star Pose - Trikonasan

- Stand upright and breathe in.
- Keep breathing while making distances between the legs.
- Tilt both hands up and bend to the left.
- Touch the left foot with the right hand and look at the left palm. Stay in this condition for a while, then come back in the first position.
- Repeat this action on the right.


This is a very good posture for body stretching. It strengthens hands, feet, hip, spinal cord, chest etc. This improves the nervous system.

For Balancing Art

1. Ostrich Pose

- Stand upright. Keep a little difference between the legs.
- Bend a little further towards the waist and move fingers both hands backwards.
- Try to stand on the feet of your hands slowly and now it's like running Oostrich in this pose.


This seat enhances concentration and attention in children, as well as helps in maintaining balance in their work. Running like a ostrich, their stress is overcome.

 Yoga, do not get sick

 Sun salutation yoga

Blood circulation remains intact by doing this yoga. After this, hunger also increases. Apart from this, eyesight and memory power increase. Children are fully developed physically and mentally.

West Lothan

Westitashanasana is very beneficial for children. Doing this increases the concentration of the children and stability is stable. This posture is very beneficial for children whose hip is heavy. If the child has a back and neck pain, then do not do this posture.


By doing this asana, stress and fatigue are removed and the mind becomes calm. If you want your child's growth to be good and the hormones work properly, then you have to make this seat.

Contrasting yoga

If it is difficult for the child to be self-reliant, then instead of doing it, do yoga. By doing this the thyroid and parathyroid gland work properly and blood circulation is better because of the blood circulation reverse.


By doing this asana, the nerves and nadis are massaged. Their digestive system improves and the thigh is strong. For children who have obesity problems, this posture is very beneficial.

yoga for kids
yoga for kids

Things to keep in mind during yoga

Before making yoga to the children, keep in mind that the child is empty stomach.
Children should do yoga in the same situation as you can do the Yoga for at least five days in a week i.e. it is necessary to do yoga regularly.
During yoga, do not make the child together in the beginning. Rather do the practice slowly. Such as 15 minutes in the starting week, 30 minutes in the second week.
In order to relax the children during yoga, make sure to breathe, so that the child is not tired.
For yoga, children should not be bored, you should run a light music theme, so that the children will feel like this.
You also do Yogasana with children.



Everything you need to know about dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

I hope that all of you will gain  brief knowledge and information about YOGA FOR KIDS. 

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