TELEKINESIS - Bloger Akshit

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Friday, November 2, 2018




Telekinesis, also called psychokinesis, is the ability to move objects with the mind. It is a psychic ability to manipulate physical objects without interacting physically with it. There is no solid evidence that the ability does exist. However, there is no true evidence fully disproving the ability. Many scientists and paranormal investigators have conducted tests, but most have come out inconclusive or have been challenged in some way.

Types of Telekinesis

Telekinesis is divided into two different categories. Macro-PKare effects that the naked eye can see. Micro-PK effects items on such as small scale that scientists have to use statistics to detect the effects. An example of micro-PK is influencing a program or random number generator.


Psychokinesis (Greek ψυχή κίνησις, “mind movement” or telekinesis is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction. Psychokinesis and telekinesis are sometimes abbreviated as PK and TK respectively. Examples of psychokinesis could include moving an object and levitation.There is no conclusive evidence that psychokinesis is a real phenomenon. Stan Lee’s Superhuman Documentaries – MInd Force …..Miroslaw Magola alias Magnetic Man.

Some famous people known for having telekinetic abilities include Miroslaw Magola alias Magnetic Man, one of the most well known psychics in all the world who become widely known after appearing on a British ITV ” Beyond Belief” hosted by BBC broadcaster Sir David Frost , Discovery Channel and History ” Stan Lee’s Superhumans – Mind Force ” hosted by Stan Lee and Daniel Browning Smith , German TV Prosieben “Galileo” “Magnet Mann” hosted by Aiman Abdallah and Stefan Goedde , TV PRO7 “Arabella” hosted by Cosima Arabella Kiesbauer, German TV Sat.1 “Clever ” Die Show, die Wissen schafft ” hosted by Wigald Boning and Barbare Eligmann with Verona Pooth and Sido produced by Constantin Entertainment , RTL2 , France Channel TF1 ” La Soirée de l’etrange ” hosted by Christophe Dechavanne and Patrice Carmouze produced by Coyote, TV SRT – Swiss Radio and Television Albert Einstein – The theory of relativity, Swiss TV Telebasel hosted by Tamara Wernli –Basel Psi-Tage – Alex Schneider , Fuji Television (Japan) „ Unbelievable “, China Television CCTV America and India TV History ” Superhuman “.


Is telekinesis possible for everyone? 

We all know that the brain is the most requested organ of contemporary human, but it is said that we use only 3-10% of its capacity consciously, the rest of 90-97% is used by us subconsciously. We also know that it is specialized in processing the information, which is absolutely necessary for regulating inter organs and human behavior in a changing environment. Our brain has a very important energetic power, which might mean major changes in our existence and evolution.

Remember that the object that you want to move does not exist , it's just a code of information , bit 0101011100, this is an example. everything that surrounds you is just a code , and you are a Co-creator , a programmer, so you can change that code through your brain's power which is a processor. By changing the code you are able to move the object or to change it in other object or whatever you want to do with it. In quantum physics everything around us is made from atoms , even you , those atoms are the bits with information 01010101.

Telekinesis refers to mechanical actions performed from the distance on material objects. So, it is about an object capable to move other things without touching them. In these situations there is always a human subject. There is a person who triggers the psycho-kinetic effect.

Telekinesis is a very advanced practice, being necessary a powerful halo. We all have this ability, but due to many centuries of religion oppression on the powers of the mind, this became an inactive part of the human brain. Through telekinesis you have to connect your halo with that of the object you want to move. The power of your halo will determine the success.
There are many simple exercises and steps you should follow in order to learn how to do telekinesis. You shouldn’t be frustrated if you can’t do it for the first time you try. Such  a practice requires an intense concentration and a strong state of mind. With a lot of patience and consistency in practice, the necessary time in order to succeed moving an object will be shorter and shorter.

Important advice:

-  Be strong enough and confident in your powers and you will see your potential. All you need is practice, every day, for several weeks.
- Start with small light objects, such as precious stones, they have a powerful halo.
- Try telekinesis every day, as any other ability you want to improve, until you became very good at it. You can replace small light objects with those heavier, until you reach an advanced level.


Telekinesis exists: scientific evidence

Telekinesis is an ability to move inanimate objects at will: to turn a compass needle, to move objects in the air, to bent metal items, to extinguish the flame of a candle at a distance. Among the psycho-physical phenomena: clairvoyance, telepathy, and others, the phenomenon of telekinesis is one of the most intriguing.

 These paranormal abilities have long interested the human mind. They have been known to yogis, mystics of antiquity, who were believed to be able to materialize objects, to move them or to lift them into the air.

In the XX century such abilities were observed in representatives of younger civilizations, who have never heard about yoga or any psycho-spiritual practices. What are these hidden psychic powers that enable people to affect material objects without direct physical impact?

Some researchers claim that the effect of telekinesis has to do with formation of powerful physical fields (telekinesis generates a strong electromagnetic field and acoustic signals with a duration of 0.1-0.01 seconds). Other researchers think that it may occur due to a mental effort (psychokinesis).

The difficulty of studying the phenomenon of telekinesis is attributable primarily to the fact that it is extremely rare. The results of experiments on telekinesis are hardly reproducible. It makes it difficult to study by conventional methods of modern science. Often the subjects themselves can’t explain how they do it and find it difficult to manage this condition and to reproduce it in subsequent experiments.

Another problem is that manifestation of telekinesis is associated with extreme physical and mental stress that could significantly damage the health. During its demonstration subjects experience a sharp activation of the mental processes, increased blood pressure and heart rate. Even after the end of the experiment a subject needs much time to return to a normal state.

It is noticed that telekinesis, as well as other psychic abilities often appears as a result of injury, illness, stress, electric shock… It confirms an idea of hidden reserves of the human brain.

In recent years after a number of experiments on telekinesis, Dr. Robert G. Jahn (the head of the Laboratory of abnormal studies at Princeton University) managed to prove that the human by his psyche can affect material objects. It was verified after thousands of experiments, which involved hundreds of men and women of all ages and professions. Subjects had to move a pendulum, placed under a transparent plastic cap. Five subjects were able to do it at any time and distance, the others – only in a few cases.

Scientists have found out that the power of mind can affect a variety of devices and liquid media such as highly precise chronometers, lasers, electrical generators of electromagnetic radiation, emulsions, colloids, water…

Some researchers claim that each of us is endowed with these “paranormal” abilities that once were completely natural and were widely used by people, but now they are in a latent state. Future experiments may help to reveal the nature of telekinesis. Till now we can only ascertain the existence of a special psycho-energy that provokes telekinesis.



How To Develop Telekinesis

Telekinesis, sometimes is referred to as psychokinesis, mind over matter, is the ability to move or affect the property of things with the power of the mind. Of psychic abilities, true telekinesis is the rarest. Few have been able to demonstrate this ability, and even those demonstrations are highly contested by the skeptics.

How do you develop these telekinetic powers?
Do you?
Is there a way you can test and develop your abilities?

Telekinesis is one of the most difficult psychic abilities to obtain. You hear about ESP all the time and has probably even happened to you or someone you know, and famous psychics cash in on their ability to see future events every day but telekinesis rarely gets any attention. It is real and is possible to learn, it’s just very difficult to learn.

No one knows for sure how telekinesis is possible which is partly why it is so hard to do. Even though few people have learned how to use telekinetic power, many are interested in learning how.

If you want to learn how to do telekinesis, if you want to achieve anything in life, for that matter, you have to truly believe you can and believe in yourself and that you can accomplish anything. You must master this before attempting to learn anything like telekinesis.

One theory on how to develop telekinesis is to imagine that the object you are trying to move is a part of you. You move your arms, legs, and head with very little mental effort, and focusing your mind on the object as if it was a part of you should help to connect your energy to the object. Some will even go as far as to saying you must become one with the universe and that everything is connected to each other by the same energy like “the Force” in Star Wars.

Start with objects that are small and light. Even though the size of the object might not matter when it comes to telekinesis, just the fact that you believe and know the size and weight of the object might subconsciously make that movement that much harder for you. You should attempt telekinesis at least once a day so that you can achieve maximum results. You should be using your mind, and spiritual energy more than your body to create telekinetic movement.

In this article we are trying to give you knowledge about TELEKINESIS which is also a power of our brain.

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