Quality Health Advice And Healthy Living Inspiration. 

Being a happy, healthy person is much easier said than done. But these standout blogs, which provide quality health advice and healthy living inspiration, will get you that much closer.
They're often expert-backed (if not, we've called out that you should take something with a grain of salt) and feature relatable voices, reminding you that we're all on this journey together.

Yoni Freedhoff, M.D., director of the Bariatric Medical Institute, doesn't let anything slide onWeighty Matters. He calls out the food industry for uninviting him to a talkand Beyoncé for being Pepsi's spokeswoman, decodes the latest confusing studies, and responds to readers who challenge him. But he doesn't just expose the truth about everything related to obesity and healthy eating. He also shares weekly funny videos and posts about the latest health news.
Chris Kresser has been studying and teaching alternative medicine for more than 15 years. He's also the author of best-selling novel Your Personal Paleo Code and has appeared in publications like The Huffington Post and TIME. So just what is it that makes Kresser so freakin' awesome? We love that he tackles heavily debated topics (like whether coffee is good for you) and believes that "there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to diet." Kresser is all about empowering you to make healthier choices. He also creates amazing Paleo-friendly recipes like roasted spicy cauliflower.
It's not surprising that a game-changing fitness company like Precision Nutrition would put together such a top-notch blog. We're regularly blown away by the infographics and posts, which answer questions we all wonder ("Would I be healthier if I quit drinking?") and address issues like how to get the most nutrients from your food. Most posts are written by John Berardi, Ph.D., one of the company's co-founders, and are chock-full of straight-talking, actionable advice.

The Best Blogs for Healthy Living Tips

If you're at all curious about that Paleo diet thing you may have heard about, Mark's Daily Apple has you covered. But it goes way beyond just living like a caveman. Mark Sisson, creator of The Primal Blueprint lifestyle, also posts on life improvement topics—like what to prioritize, time or money?—and frequently shares his readers' inspirational success stories. Plus, each week he answers readers' questions, making it feel like he's right there with you, every step of the way.
While her target audience may be slightly older, Wellness Mama covers topics that everyone can get behind. She dishes out hacks for health and home, like how to reduce your plastic use, and posts about other health trends like adult coloring books. Just keep in mind that she's not an expert, so while she does cite sources for some health tips, not all of them are 100-percent proven and others are dated.
This blog from the people at MyFitnessPal combines two of our favorite things: food and fitness. By sharing delicious healthy meals, life hacks to eat better, and easy and effective exercises (did someone say exercise tweaks for stronger glutes? Sign us up.), the blog continues to engage an already active MyFitnessPal community. Our favorite posts are the video workouts, which include tons of helpful tips to make sure you're doing every move correctly.
Sometimes the best recipes are the stupid-easy ones. And sometimes the best advice comes in the form of hard-hitting truth bombs instead of sugar-coated tidbits. If those thoughts resonate with you, then Steph Gaudreau at Stupid Easy Paleo is the gal to provide a much-needed healthy kick in the butt. From nutritious, Paleo-friendly recipes (how good does this Thai coconut soup recipesound?) to workout advice to food photography tips, she's all about hacking your way to a healthy lifestyle—and doesn't leave room for excuses. Though she's not an expert in every area she writes about, her nutrition and science background comes through in all of her articles.
Jill Coleman is on a mission to help women create healthy lifestyles that are fulfilling and free of shame. On her blog, you'll find posts about how to change your mindset about yourself as well as workouts she's loving at the moment (no cardio machines required). Her credentials? Coleman has a B.S. in Exercise Science and an M.S. in Human Nutrition. She also helps fitness professionals build their brands online through her coaching program.
Gina Harvey writes her posts in a totally relatable, candid voice. She's a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer who takes great pride in her role as a military wife and mother. Her workouts are easy to follow and her recipes are simple—most can be made with ingredients you already have in your kitchen. Bonus: She also posts DIY beauty recipes.

The Best Blogs for Happiness Insights

In a world filled with constant distractions (we know the willpower required to not check Snapchat right now), Leo Babauta has written the book on what it means do less and be more present. But you don't have to run out to the nearest bookstore; you can check out Babuata's musings on his site, Zen Habits. In just a few years, Zen Habits has become the go-to blog on healthy habits and minimalism with popular posts on advice for people in their early 20s and unconditional acceptance of yourself.
Lots of focus is spent on exercising our bodies, but what about our minds? That's where Mentality WOD comes in. Taking a cue from CrossFit's workout of the day, this site publishes quick and actionable "workouts" to improve your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. For example, want to achieve your goals? Here are three things to focus on. The blog's founder, Dawn Fletcher, is a firm believer that improved mentality will lead to better performance, whether it be in the workplace or on the playing field.
Some of us need a cup of coffee to get our day started. For others, a few asanas do the trick. Daily Cup of Yoga is for those who prefer the latter. It's a blog written by casual yogis without the typical yoga-heavy jargon and teachings. Instead, the posts touch on topics like lessons we can learn from our mistakes and how to choose the right yoga teacher.
Sometimes life can feel like a never-ending struggle, from problems at work to those involving our friends and family. Tiny Buddha is a blog (and a vibrant social community) where bloggers share helpful advice to deal with life's most difficult situations. But Tiny Buddhadoesn't just focus on those downer topics. It touts itself as a "leading source for peace and happiness" and celebrates love and mindfulness (and how you can achieve those things). Make a point to join its 3 million monthly readers.
TED Talks are inspiring, motivating, and above all else, teach us new things. The TED Blog does the same, in addition to keeping you up to date on all news about TED, such as when conferences are starting and how one talk inspired a row across the Pacific Ocean. The blog also shares posts designed to make you smarter and better informed, from a book list drawn from awe-inspiring speakers to career advice.
On the surface, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus had it all: good jobs, big homes, tons of gadgets, and enough discretionary income to always have a good time. But as they approached their 30th birthdays, they realized their 70- to 80-hour work week left them unfulfilled and unhappy. So they took a 21-day journey toward minimalism and wrote a book about it. They attracted such a following that they've been blogging (and spreading the minimalist gospel) ever since.