TYPES OF YOGA - Bloger Akshit

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Wednesday, November 14, 2018


                            TYPES OF YOGA

types of yoga
Types of yoga

Basically there are eight types of YOGA which are given below:

Chanting(Jap yoga)
Karma yoga
Knowledge yoga(Gyan yoga)
Bhakti yoga
Raj yoga
Swar yoga
Kundilini yoga

But four of these types of YOGA are very important for our everyday life which we should include  in our lifestyle.

The four very important types of YOGA are given below: 

Chanting(Jap yoga)

chanting, types of yoga
Jap yoga

Chanting the name of God affects the effect of its divine qualities on the human heart, by chanting a greater quantity, those qualities also start coming in human beings. If a man chants a convoy with a pranayama and chants it with a concentrated chant every three hours, then he keeps on sticking to it. The gross form of this is Hari-kirtan, and by concentrating on the mind, love and devotion arises in God, and the best name of God to chant is 'Om'. If there is a special benefit to be chanted with the meaning, before chanting, before sitting before sitting in a deserted place, Jaapak must vow that "today I will chant like this, I will not leave it without any circumstance." This pledge should be done on both the occasions in the evening, in other times it should take care of its pledge. If the obstacles are present even while trying so much, then rebuking yourself, considering that "I want to break my promise and become a sinner". By continuing to do this continuously, the feeling of guilt in the mind arises in the mind of the person to become firm on the promise made and the mind starts chanting.

The following troubles are generated in chanting, they should be kept in mind.

(1) Disorder (2) Stain (3) Suspense (4) Pramod (5) Laziness (6) Inevitability (7) Desperation (8) Unavailable Rolex (9) Anabolism. These are disturbing distractions of the mind. If the distractions of the above distractions are stopped, then these obstacles are not obstructed.

"Explanation of the Deflection"

(1) Problems with the semen of the body and disturbing the juice from diseases

(2) The idea of ​​misbehaving in the Sati-Chitta or leaving the action.

(3) For suspicious-good deeds, get up in the mind of doubt, do not do karma or do it.

(4) Negative-never to contemplate God's hymn.

(5) Do not do good deeds with laziness or obesity in mind.

(6) To fascinate the soul of the mind with the inconsistency.

(7) Bharanti-Darshan- understanding something of truth, truth is false, false to know the truth.

(8) Not available pure place for the available role-singing.

(9) Unpopularity - Even after getting a clean place, do not feel inclined to pray.

By becoming vigilant and chanting each other regularly, this distraction becomes calm in a few days. There can not be every human being in the form of a humbleness in this penance. First, do not meet the Yogi Guru only, if you get to find it then there is no reverence in human beings, if somehow reverence, then the body and mind have become impure after eating the food of the impure food, therefore Siddhi is unimaginable in a way, just seems to be an easy way of attaining God, then the kirtan and chanting of God's name, such as Paramahansa Swami Ramkrishna Maharaj's Samadhi Hariñanam Kirtan It was by itself. By keeping chanting of the subtle and exquisite quality of the kirtan with chanting with the mind only, by chanting in a gross way, the zakak gets accomplishment, so that man can avail both the temporal and the supernatural benefits, depending on his desire The love or the credit is taken by any route.

Karma yoga

types of yoga
Karma yoga
Karma means the word "verb, work". Any mental or physical function is called a. The result of this work is also called karma. Thus the context of this word is also from worldly rules and principles of cause and effect.

Whatever we do, say or think, it has an effect, which gives us full measurement at the right time. This happens only according to this principle of result. What we call 'fate' is the result of our past good deeds, and what we see as a misfortune is the result of the bad actions of our past.

Therefore, the events of our future do not occur indefinitely, but they happen in reality only through the influence of our past and present. Thus our destiny (destiny) is predetermined only by our karma. As the arrow of an arrow left from the bow is fixed, unless its path is altered or corrected by another incident. With the meaningful perception, intellectual and selfless service in the practice of "yoga in daily life, we can reduce and change the fruits of our actions and can give meaningful direction to our destiny (future).

Our current situation is the result of our past actions and our present actions will determine our future. Once we understand this, whatever happens with us today, we can not blame anyone, but we will accept our own responsibility for ourselves.

Karma is of two types:

Sakham Karma - Karma for the benefit of self

Unfair Work - Selflessness Work

Selfish thoughts and actions deepen the duality (feeling of separation) between 'me' and 'yours'. However, the sense of being self-worthless leads us to the point of unity of all of our petty ego, to a great extent. Sakam Karma binds us with the cycle of Chaurasi (cycle of death and rebirth). The neutrality makes us free from it.

In India rain, tree, river and saint are considered symbols of selfless sense. Rainfall is meant to benefit everybody- human, nature and animals equally for the benefit of birds. The tree gives its shadows to those who wish to shade and also gives their sweet fruit to those who stone the tree to get the fruits. The river is also for everyone. Deer extinguishes its thirst by the same river, from which a tiger. Same  a saint gives his blessing, his best wishes to all without discrimination.

Untested action is the way to avoid new karma and it can also improve past karma. Knowledge (understanding), forgiveness and help are unutterable deeds that liberate us from the chakras of karma.

Bhakti yoga

types of yoga
Bhakti yoga
Devotion means love and devotion to God - love and loyalty towards creation, respect for all creatures and their protection. Everyone can practice devotion, whether small or big, rich or poor, whether it belongs to any nation or religion. The path of devotion to Bhakti Yoga brings us straight and safe to our objective.

Bhakti Yoga includes worship of some form of God. God is everywhere God resides inside us and around us. It is as if we were connected to God with a great thread - the thread of love. God is love the world. Love and divine compassion are all around us and flow through us, but we are not conscious of it. The moment it is conscious, this divine love is experienced. From that moment, people do not want any other object. Then we understand the true meaning of God love.

The devious person is like an empty-headed fish, without feathers of birds, without a moon and a night of stars. Everyone should love Through it we feel safe and happy just as a child experiences in the arms of his mother or a passenger at the end of a long excruciating journey.

There are two types of devotion:

Apathy - devotional love

Para devotion - world love

The devotee accepts whatever happens to him, as a gift to God. There is no desire or expectation, there is only complete surrender before God's will. This devotee accepts the lifelong status of life only as an object presented by him. There is no one in it, his prayer is a 'God your will'.

However, before reaching this level of supreme love towards God, our devotional ego values ​​are full of ideas. This means that we really love God, but we also wish something from God. Many people are in misery or in trouble when they go towards God for help. Others pray for material material, wealth, achievement, livelihood, promotion. Even then, we should always keep in mind that when we depart from this earth, we will leave all our things and this is the reason that there is no real or eternally worth of any object here. Spiritual seekers pray for Buddha and God to attain. However, we often create an inner picture of God - how is God in our sight, what should God do now - and because of this we are open and not ready for divine manifestation.

In devotional sources Narada Muni (sage) has described nine elements of bhaktiyog: -

Satsang-good spiritual accompaniment

Hari Katha - listening and reading about God

Trust of faith

Praise of god

Mantra chanting - remembering the names of God

Sham Maa - control of the senses in relation to worldly objects

Respect for the saints - show respect to people who have dedicated life to God.

Contentment satisfaction

God-ordained-God's refuge

There is no spiritual path without devotion. If a student of the school dislikes a topic in the study, he can barely complete the course. Similarly, for our practice when there is love and loyalty, the determination to stay on our path and our purpose always be recognized, then only we can be able to solve all the problems. We can not attain God's love without sacrificing love towards all living beings and God.

Knowledge yoga(Gyan yoga)

knowledge yoga, types of yoga
Gyan yoga
The meaning of knowledge is from the introduction. Gyan Yoga is the path to realization of reality through introspection, practice and introduction. The four principles of Gyan Yoga are:


Self-sacrifice, self-sacrifice, sannyas

Six Property-Six Funds, Assets

Mumbleness-Continuous efforts to attain God

Vivek is the right form of knowledge. It can also be called the supreme assembly of our consciousness. Our consciousness tells us what is right, what is wrong. Most of us know well what we should do, however our egoistic desires are manifested in more and more form and suppress the voice of the inner soul inside us.

Disavowal, self-sacrifice, sannyas
Consecration means to renounce the desire for any worldly happiness or ownership and to liberate itself internally. Jnan Yogi has realized that all worldly pleasures are unreal and therefore worthless. JnanYogi seeks eternal, eternal, supreme, God. All objects of this earthly regime are variable and that is why there is a form of unrealism. Reality is the soul, the divine soul, which is eternal, eternal and irreversible. The soul is comparable to the sky. Sky is always the sky - nobody can burn or cut it. If we build a wall, then we create the "individual" portion of the loneliness. However, the sky does not change itself because of this, and on the day the walls are removed, only the undivided, infinite sky remains.

Six Property-Six Funds, Assets
This principle of knowledge yoga includes six principles:

Resistance of Sham-Senses and Mind

Control on mind-senses and mind. Restrain yourself from prohibitive actions - such as theft, lying and forbidding thoughts.

Rise above the above-mentioned goods.

To be constant, to be disciplined, to be disciplined Be patient in all difficulties and win over them.

Believers - Believing and trusting the words of holy books and gurus.

Determine resolution and purpose. Regardless of what happens, our expectations should be set to the same goal. There should be no one to separate us from this goal.

Mumbleness - Continuous efforts for attaining God
In the heart of the mother, there is a burning desire to experience God's feeling and to be involved with God. The highest and eternal wisdom is the realization of self-realization, its true self-realization. Self-realization is the experience that we are not different from God, but God and life are all the same. When the person gets this feeling, then the waist of wisdom opens up and he becomes the supreme power. All the love is filled in our heart. It also becomes clear that whatever other people suffer, eventually we also suffer from it, so in the end we understand and obey the eternal spirit of non-violence. In this way, the path of Gyan Yogi is associated with the principles of Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Rajyog.

In this article we are trying to give you knowledge about types 
of YOGA and their importance in our life.

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