DAILY ROUTINE - Bloger Akshit

This blog is about health, fitness, lifestyle, exercise.

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Saturday, November 17, 2018



                                                 DAILY ROUTINE

If you are aware of your fitness then it is obvious that your focus will be on healthy eating habits and disciplined workouts. But that is not enough to stay fit.

Long lifespan and healthy body requires Healthy Lifestyle, for which you have to take care of these things throughout your day and every day.

Rise before sunrise

daily routine

Older adults often recommend getting up in Brahma Muhurt. That's because oxygen content is the highest at this time. After sunrise, its volume in the atmosphere starts decreasing. When we wake up at 4-5 in the morning, we feel fresh with the tears of the birds and the cold winds and the freshness continues throughout the day. It can be difficult to get up early in the morning. But do it continuously throughout the week, it will be your habit.

Go for a morning walk

daily routine
morning walk

You will always see that hundreds of people go walking in the park or in the morning in the morning, do you know how many benefits are there from a walk in the morning. In the morning, all the negative things inside you are removed. You get energy Walking gets rid of many incurable diseases. Now the doctor also advises for a walk in the morning. Know the benefits of a morning walk

Morning stroke between greenery not only provides relief from stress but is also good for the heart. Heart patients should stroll between greenery There are many more benefits to stroll on grass ...

All of the benefits of walking will be known and it is also a form of exercise, but do you know how beneficial the walking of grass is to your health? So why not take advantage of this by walking on the grass every day.

Beneficial for heart patients

Walking on green grass in the morning and morning is essential for good health. Think of how long it is to delay, just think that it will benefit from walking. Staying in the stomach with walking in it will keep your heart healthy.

Eyesight -

 Friends, if your eyesight is diminishing or you are experiencing this, then you can walk on the green grass on which the dew falls on every day. Doing this also removes other eye diseases.

Getting rid of stress - 

If you have to get rid of the problem of stress, you must definitely take it in the early morning because all the actions of our body are correct and do not feel too much force on the body. When all the actions of the body are fine, one can be relieved of the problem of irritability, tension, one of the main reasons is that there is peace in the morning.


daily routine

What is the day that does not start with workouts? To run the body parts for the running of the day, it is necessary that you work honestly. Exercise is also important not only for weight loss but for healthy body and calm mind too.

Have a great breakfast

daily routine
great breakfast

'Breakfast Like King' accepted the first morning diet without any stinginess. Do not refrain from carbs, nor rob the love on the protein. From eggs to fruit and from cereals to smoothies, whatever you like, eat hearts. Remember, all these things will work as fuel for your body. So fill the entire day's increments with fuel. But do not eat fried or packaged foods, or you will feel lazy.

Keep taking breaks in the office

daily routine

It is a good thing to be busy in work, but if you stick to the seat for long periods of time, then the waist band will be awake, your eyes will become weak and obesity will also increase. So break the chair for five to ten minutes every hour and break it.

Make a healthy lunch

daily routine
healthy lunch

Take care that your stomach is not garbage. So do not fill the 'garbage' food in it. If possible, bring your tiffin Avoid eating outdoors. Prefer soup and vegetables. Do not skip lunch by forgetting as your hunger will stop working later when hungry. Then if a coworker or friend offered a pizza, then you thought it would be worthless. The body's metabolism remains correction due to its on-time luncheon.

Do not Ignore Cravings

daily routine

If you are feeling great about eating something, then definitely eat it. Is not better than eating a little food That's because if you ignore your craving, then you may lose your control and break it down. It's better than this, you do a little cheating and take one to two bytes of food that you like to eat and calm your craving.

 Walking after dinner

daily routine
walking after dinner

It is often seen that after dinner, people either lie down watching the TV or going to sleep. This is the habit of everyone in some family. This habit can make you sick. This will not only damage your digestive system but also be victims of obesity. In this way you should be aware of the benefits of running after dinner.


Effect of digestion by walking after dinner

Digestive system is an important part of our body. Digestion is a process that breaks food. Whatever food we eat is digested through our digestive system and takes the necessary nutrients for our body and pulls the waste out of the way out of the stool.

If you have eaten more food and you are feeling sluggish then you need to stroll out. A jog helps to ease the process of digestion of the body, as well as preventing many stomach problems including indigestion and irritation.

Good sleep comes from a walk after dinner

Many times we sleep with lots of stress in our mind. Good sleep is a very important contribution to your good health. According to the doctor, it is absolutely necessary for everyone to take at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Good sleep is not only beneficial for memory, but it also enhances the immune system and keeps your mood right.
Being disturbed by work or personal life, we do not enjoy enjoying peaceful dreams. The advantage of running after dinner is that not only will it help reduce the level of stress, but also promote your blood circulation. Both of these are important for good night's sleep.

Improvement in metabolism

The level of metabolism is very important for our body. The work of metabolism is to provide energy to the body. It is the body that distributes energy from the food that you eat. After a dinner after a night walk, there is considerable improvement in metabolism.

If you want you to look right, walking after a meal is very important, because it helps stimulate your metabolism, which helps in burning calories. The better your metabolism levels are, the more you will be able to burn calories.

Improve blood circulation

If blood circulation gets defective then its effect is seen on our body. The brain, heart, liver, kidney and organs can cause serious damage. Blood circulation helps your whole body work properly. Not only does all the organs of your body work properly, but the temperature is also in control.

After circulation 15 minutes after dinner, blood circulation or blood circulation increases in different parts of the body. This is primarily due to the fact that walking can ensure the proper supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart, which in turn causes blood circulation.

Help to reduce weight

You are engaged in many efforts to lose weight such as controlling the diet, exercising regularly etc. Apart from these efforts to lose weight, you can lose weight by taking a walk after eating after dinner.

Yes, the good news is that you can also achieve your weight loss goal by walking. A walk after dinner helps in calorie burn. It is an important factor in maintaining healthy weight and keeping a healthy lifestyle alive.

Blood sugar control

Growing blood sugar is not right for your body. In addition to controlling and exercising your food, you should have a habit of walking after dinner at night.

After eating, jogging for 30 minutes can reduce blood sugar. This is a very good way for those who are in danger of diabetes, and who want to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

However one question also comes to the mind of the people how long after dinner dinner should go. You do not have to wait until after 5 to 10 minutes after dinner, but wait for 5 to 10 minutes.

Now get up early, go to sleep too soon

daily routine
go to sleep

The more you relax the body, the easier it will be to burn calories. Also, it is important to sleep early on the second day to rise early.

Suppose that following this routine will be painful for you. But if you only fight for your laziness in the week and get up early in the morning and work in breakfast and breakfast, then within 7-8 days, your biological clock will be set itself. And of course, do not avoid it tomorrow. Whatever time of the day you are studying this article, start following the routine.

I hope that all of you will gain  brief knowledge and information and benefits about how to manage DAILY ROUTINE.

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