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Saturday, November 17, 2018


                                         TIME MANAGEMENT

time management
time management

According to the lifestyle of today, the time is very valuable. Today, we have some tools that we can stay with our family, friends and an unknown people. As a result, we lose our direction and become a common human being like everyone. We have to walk a right path to do a lot in our life and this article will help us further our journey (Time management ).


1. Make a list of tasks you want to complete:

time management
list of tasks

Before you begin, you should know what you have to handle. And so you have to prepare a list of the most serious tasks that you will know about your actions.
Fix the appropriate priority for each task:
  • Priority 1: Work that goes until 06:00 in the evening.
  • Priority 2: Work that goes until 06:00 in the evening.
  • Priority 3: Work that should be done by the end of the week.
  • Priority 4: Work that will be done next week.

Use a decimal place to give more priority to the group of these tasks. Just like a task whose priority is 1.0, it needs to be done immediately and a task whose priority is 1.5 can be done till the end of the day.
So the first tip for TIME MANAGEMENT is “. Make a list of tasks you want to complete”.

2. Balance your efforts in the right way:

First of all take the task which is very important, and try to finish it as soon as possible. The work that is to be done by the end of the week should be done a little bit every few days, which does not have any difficulty in ending it.
Complete today's work today: First of all you have to deviate your mind, eliminate today's tasks, so that you can successfully finish other daily activities. And when one day's work ends successfully, think about the second day.
When the work of the next day is over, then you should pay attention to the ending work at the end of the week. Do some work every day for those tasks, so that a lot of work does not get accumulated in the end. And if the work of the week ends, then think about what to do next week.
Every day you need to prepare a new list for the next day after you have finished work, so that you will remember the next day's work.
So the second tip for TIME MANAGEMENT is “Balance your efforts in the right way”.

3. Focus your attention towards the most useful time of day:

 Every person has a favorite time of work. Some people like to work in the daytime and some night.
So the third tip for TIME MANAGEMENT is “. Focus your attention towards the most useful time of day”.

4. Try to do more work in less time:

To make yourself worthy and well-being, try to complete tasks in a set time.
It is a good idea to take small intervals during work. If you work after fifteen minutes or half an hour's intervals, then it keeps interest in work and you will be excited too. It is believed that taking a 10-minute leave after working 45 minutes together is the best way to work.
Try to complete your work in a set time frame. This will allow you to do more work in less time.
So the fourth tip for TIME MANAGEMENT is “Try to do more work in less time”.

5. Keep taking a short break in the middle of the work:

time management
take a short break

By doing this, you will be refreshing, will work in excitement and will be easy to focus on the right direction.
Even before starting work, make sure that you take 5, 10 or 15 minutes of the holiday and take a break after a short while is the right choice.
Plan for the remaining work to be done better and faster by taking a break during the work.
So the fifth tip for TIME MANAGEMENT is “Keep taking a short break in the middle of the work”.

6. Also keep in mind that you make progress in the work continuously:

As soon as the work is done, cut it off your list. This will tell you how much work is left and how long it is to be completed.
As soon as the work is done you will find happiness and realize the achievement. You will feel very excited to finish the work in the deadline.
So the sixth tip for TIME MANAGEMENT is “Also keep in mind that you make progress in the work continuously”.

7. Assessment of your inventory from time to time:

 By considering the inventory from time to time, be aware of the remaining works and repeat the tasks in order of priority.
Keep adding new tasks to the list continuously. So that you recite all the tasks again and prioritize.
Reduce the priority of those tasks that can be done later.
Assign the work to others according to need. Task can be finished soon after assignment.
Using new techniques, the work can be done soon. Using them helps in working more.
So the seventh tip for TIME MANAGEMENT is “Assessment of your inventory from time to time”.

8. Also give some time to play jumps between work:

Take some time in the middle of the work for yourself too. This will make you feel very refreshing and will get the passion to start the work again.
So the eighth tip for TIME MANAGEMENT is “Also give some time to play jumps between work”.

9. Eliminate time absorbing things:

Now even when your time table is ready and to-do list also remove all those things from your life that are wasting your precious time.

Like your table, maybe your table is filled with books and files, or you have to find instead of getting clothes in the morning cupboard. Unknowingly, they are leaving your precious time. If you lose 5 minutes daily, it means 35 minutes a week and 2 hours 34 minutes in the month.

We ignore these small things, which may choke afterwards. So in order to take care of these small things you have to plan.

Where will you stay?
What will be changed after how many days?
Make a separate time for all of them so that they do not have to lose 5-5 minutes every day.
So the nineth tips for TIME MANAGEMENT will be "Do not ignore small things as a spark is enough, to set fire."

10. Avoid multitasking and focus on one at a time:

time management

Now talk about the way to work. Today all make sure on multitasking. More than one is called Time Management at one time. But is that really so? Multitasking is somewhat good as it is good to listen to the song while doing math when multitasking can prove to be harmful if something is to be done.

It is said that, multitasking, your attention is broken in two or three parts, so your skills are also broken and the work that should be done in 1 hour takes hours. Speaking specifically, if doing any work while studying or office work, stay away from your social medias because it does not know the time when it has passed.

So the tenth Tips for TIME MANAGEMENT will be that, "Watching time and work, multitasking, because its benefits are more harmful and avoid social medias."

11. Efficiency is more than efforts:

Regardless of the work, no one should be Efficient. Because everyone sees the final form of work, hard work behind them rarely sees. Your responsibility is to work well, but work should be done by you. It is not necessary. These measures are definitely not for the students.

It happens so many times that in the near future you forget to master the work, and try to finish the job as well, you have to do to avoid such situations:

Have a good relationship with people so that they can help you on time. Increase your communication skills for this and make good connections with friends, colleagues.
Outsourcing has become a huge option nowadays. Get her help. This will save you a lot of time.
So the eleventh Tip of TIME MANAGEMENT will be that "Look at the quality of work, not on the job. Decide yourself which work you have to do and what to do by doing any other thing or just say it would be better than doing a professional. "

12. Step out of your comfort zone:

By saying "we have a lot of time now" we avoid many things. Put yourself in a circle that is a pleasant scope, it is harmful for you and your precious time. Get out of your realm, bring a passion inside yourself. Your time will not be left untimely.
Once you go out and see, through your scope, your pleasant range will increase. But yes, it will definitely take some time.
 So twelveth Tip for TIME MANAGEMENT will be that "You do not run behind the comforts, sometimes some challenges can change you."

13. Motivate and de-stess yourself:

Now talk about Time Management's last tips. Many times it happens that we are fed up with our own life, working harder by saying, "the mood is bad" and forget to make the right use of time. It is natural because we are human, but do you know that we can dodge our brain?

It is very easy, just explain to your mind that you are happy and it is very important to work now. Give yourself inspiration and eradicate the stress of ourselves.

Make an environment around you like everything else is giving you inspiration. Insert some inspirational quotes around you, include a fantasy image of your floor, in your environment.
You know very well what your mind needs, then comfort your mind in that matter.
If needed, scare yourself a little, 'What will happen if this work is not completed till this time?' But keep the tension away from yourself as well. Stress is such a thing which makes the man even angry.
So the thirteenth tip of TIME MANAGEMENT is “Motivate and de-stress yourself”.

14. Surely take 7-8 hours of sleep at night:

time management
sleep at night

 It is more important to take full sleep at night. This will make you feel fresh and alert the next day. And will be able to think clearly.
So the fourteenth tip of TIME MANAGEMENT is “Surely take 7-8 hours of sleep at night”.


  • Avoid making such goals which can not be fulfilled throughout the day and in the time frame.
  • Do not use devices that distract you during use.
  • Many times in the day, we all get a little free time, we should try that in the spare time, we can fulfill any good work.
  • Do one thing at a time. With this you will finish the work with full time. And your focus will also be concentrated towards the same task.
  • Remember that you can not adapt every single situation to your favor. So there is a little flexibility with your work.
  • You should do the same thing that you are more skilled at doing. Do not rush to resolve any work.
  • Set your own rules to measure your achievement.
  • It is compulsory to finish the work that has been started. To maintain your morale, keep encouraging yourself after small success.
  • Only after examining your actions properly, giving them priority, in the correct order.
  • Avoid perception that tells you that you will benefit from doing a kind of work soon. Many times your priceless time can be lost with such assumptions.
  • Keep taking a break in the middle of the work.
  • Work on good topics. And allot your time correctly.
  • According to the work you collect all the things you need. The task can be simple or difficult, long or short.
  • When you understand how long it will take to complete the task, then you try to complete the work in that time frame. For this, you can use a chess clock.


Do not confuse yourself in any work that you can not complete in the time limit. Select actions only, keeping in mind correct thinking and your ability.

Things you'll need


Keep these things in your mind and start TIME MANAGEMENT. This article will help you to learn about how to manage your time.

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