DEHYDRATION - Bloger Akshit

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Saturday, November 24, 2018




What is dehydration?


Dehydration is a condition that occurs when you lose more fluid (most of the water) than your body and the amount that you have taken is more than that. When dehydration occurs, the body gets more water than the cells that you had previously drank. It is a natural phenomenon that we all lose water from our body through plasters, urine, breathing and sweating all the time. But when we lose too much water, then the body's metabolism can be out of control. Severe dehydration can eventually cause death.

More information about dehydration

Since dehydration can actually be fatal, always try to make those people who are dehydrated to take fluid, even though they are vomiting. Dipping a little amount of water at a time, or drinking electrolytes containing a drink (sports drink) is an effective way of treating dehydration symptoms. Another way to get rid of dehydration is to suck on ice-chips or popcicles made of fruits and sports drinks. For those who have wounds of the mouth or have jaw surgery, fluid flows through such straw and becomes effective for such patients. One of the most important treatments for dehydration is preventing this situation and thus increasing the intake of fluid. Always plan and take additional water when you are going for outdoor events, where you can increase heat stress and sweat. Encourage yourself and your loved ones to replace the fluid at that rate which is equal to the loss.

During high index days, avoid exposure to heat. Plan your events that should be carried out during the daytime when the temperature is cooler. Ensure that whatever is old, disabled or disabled, it is encouraged to drink and adequate supply of fluid and water is provided to supplement the water. Lose. If you are doing any activity in the heat, wear loose fitting, light colored clothes.

The last but not least, because the consumption of alcohol increases water damage and also reduces your ability to understand the initial signs of dehydration, avoid the use of alcohol when the temperature is very hot.

8 unusual symptoms of dehydration:

Dehydration is a condition in which the body starts decreasing enough water and other fluid to function properly. With this problem you may have to face many other problems. Therefore you should be aware of the symptoms of dehydration.

1.Symptoms of dehydration

Dehydration is a condition in which the body starts decreasing enough water and other fluid to function properly. This problem occurs when the person consumes the amount of fluid in the body but is less lost. And in this process, the amount of fluids and water is reduced to keep the body active. Due to this problem, blood clots, seizures and many other serious diseases can be threatened. According to various researches, mild dehydration mood and energy also have adverse effects. Therefore you should be aware of the symptoms of dehydration. Apart from thirst and fatigue, its symptoms also include other symptoms.

2.Bad breath

bad breath
bad breath

Slieve has anti-bacterial properties, but the condition of dehydration prevents your body from making enough slivo. According to MD John Higgins, associate professor of cardiovascular therapy at the University of Texas, Houston, there is a high growth of bacteria in the mouth if there is not enough production of slivaya. And due to this, chronic dehydration starts to cause bad breath.

3.Dry skin

Most of us believe that sweating is very high due to dehydration problem, but according to Dr. Higgins the problem of dizziness increases due to dehydration problem and the amount of blood is reduced due to the skin becoming dry. He also says that due to moisture, dry skin may cause your skin to be red.

4.muscle cramps

If there is too much heat, the spasm of the muscles is high, and this pure heat means that dehydration only has a direct effect on your muscles. When the muscles are less difficult, they start taking heat from themselves. According to Higgins, changes in electrolytes, sodium and potassium can also cause muscle spasms.

5.Fever and chills

If there is dehydration problem, you may experience symptoms like fever or chills. The fever can be especially dangerous for you, so contact the doctor immediately if there is more than 101 degree Fahrenheit fever.

6.Longing for food

In the person with dehydration, longing for food increases especially for sweets. Higgins says that dehydration is very difficult to use water to release certain glycogen and other components from some of its energy reserves for some nutrients and organs such as liver. Therefore, longing for food increases. He says that dehydration has a lot of chocolate to salty snacks, and lust for sweet is very common, because at this time the body faces difficulty in glycogen production.



Headache is due to lack of water in the body. According to an estimate, today about 90 percent of people are caused by headache dehydration. According to Higgins, the brain is in a type of fluid membrane, it helps to keep the scalp quiet. If the amount of fluid is reduced due to lack of water in this membrane, then it starts having other problems with headache.

8.Rescue measures

If you feel that the body does not need fluids if you do not feel thirsty then you are wrong. Because every time your body does not express the need for fluid. In such a situation, even when you have not been thirsty, then you should take the fluid in the interval of some time. Because when you actually feel thirsty, the condition of dehydration in the body begins to form. It is therefore better not to let dehydration conditions arise.

Treatment of Dehydration in the Winter


Winter season is coming and you need to be very careful in such a way. You do not have to be negligent in this season at all. If you do anything negligently, it can prove to be dangerous for you. You have to understand which problem arises in the winter season. As you can tell, due to lack of sweat in this season and less thirsty, dehydration becomes a problem.

Apart from this, the steam emitted from the mouth while releasing the breath in winter reduces the level of water in the body.

Today, we will tell you how to protect yourself from the problem of dehydration in the winter season. For this, you have to take certain precautions that help your body to stay healthy even in the winter.

Let's know ...

Drink salt water

 This season, your body often lacks water, which damages your body. Therefore, to avoid this in the winter season, drink at least 1 time a day with a little salt and sugar in the water. By doing so you will not have dehydration problem.

Drink water daily

drinking water
drinking water

If you do not drink water then you can have problems, so you can avoid the problem of dehydration by drinking 8-10 glasses of lukewarm water every day. It's great for you.

Drink coconut water

If you want to avoid dehydration in winter, you will have to cure coconut water once a day for this, your body lacks water shortage. It gives energy to the body.

Abandon these meals

 In the winter, you have to take great care of your diet. Any negligence is dangerous for you. Spicy food, coffee, cold drinks and chocolate intake can cause water shortage in your body. You do not have to eat them in the whole winter.



Dangerous for your body in every season of smoking. Its effect increases slightly in winter. Therefore, due to smoking, alcohol, cigarette and tobacco, you may also have a problem of dehydration. Stay away from these things as much as possible. They harm your body.

Consume fruits

 Let us know that you have to eat fruits in winter, it will be beneficial for your body. In the winter, eat more of such fruits that will reduce the water shortage in your body. For this, you can consume green vegetables, rice, curd, apple, orange and mausoleum. These fruits give water to your body in adequate quantity.

Do not work hard

 Some people believe that they should work harder due to their lack of sweat in winter, while they are completely wrong. Extremely hard work in winter and survival outside the house. This can cause dehydration in your body.

Not wearing tight clothes

Often seen to wear a lot of clothes to avoid the winter in winter. This causes many problems in your body. In such a case, to avoid cold in the weather, you wear tight and stuck clothes. Instead of getting warm but low and loose clothes. This will improve your body and you will not have dehydration problem.

After eating

 You should take care of some things after eating and after a few things to avoid such problems. Make sure to consume 1 glass of water before and after meals. This reduces the risk of dehydration problem. It's great for you.

After exercise


 If you exercise in winter, then you should take care that there should be no water shortage in your body. After exercising, you should consume fluid. If you want you can also drink lemonade.

Some more treatments are given below:

  • ·        Drink a little salt and sugar in the water on the problem of dehydration.
  • ·        Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. You can drink lukewarm water too.
  • ·        Coconut water can be consumed.
  • ·        Keep distance from spicy food, coffee, cold drinks and chocolate.
  • ·        Keep distance from cigarettes and alcohol to avoid dehydration.
  • ·        Make salty water or steam.
  • ·        It should use more of hot liquids.
  • ·        Do not immediately go from hot to cold and hot in the cold, otherwise this infection may come under arrest.
  • ·        Mix saffron in a light lukewarm water and apply it on the nose, forehead, chest and palms of hands, in cold winter relief.
  • ·        It is a good idea to take powdered chickpea, black pepper and nalhadi powder and take it with honey.
  • ·        Keep the powdered almond paste on the leaves of the leaves and chew it with the teeth and keep on sucking.

Friends, cold weather is cold, due to which we get less sweat and we feel less thirsty. This is the reason that we drink less water, due to which our body lacks water, which is what we call dehydration. With this, when we breathe in and leave in the cold, steam comes out from our mouth, which reduces the level of water which causes dehydration. Therefore, in winter, we should drink eight to ten glass of water.


I hope that all of you will gain  brief knowledge and information about DEHYDRATION and it's treatments.

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