HEALTHY DIET - Bloger Akshit

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Sunday, January 6, 2019


                                                     HEALTHY DIET


healthy diet
healthy diet

Health-related diseases are caused by your diet that affect your weight and increase the risks to your health. The decision to eat a healthy diet is easy to say but is hard to do because less healthy foods are attractive to eat.

Keep in mind these things(Healthy Diet)-

1. Know what a healthy diet is and how you can eat it.

2. Try to eat foods from different colors and eat them. Different nutrients come from different food items. Foods are filled with vitamin C and antioxidant (antioxidant)

3. Go to the production section. Go to the corridor of fruit and vegetable you will see every yellow, orange and red. Get as much color and variety as you can in your shopping cart. You will actually see a large selection of colors, for example when choosing fruit, you can pick bananas, blueberries, apples, oranges, pineapples and oranges. More colors mean that it is healthy and good for you. The same applies to vegetables too.

4. Go to the production section. Go to the corridor of fruit and vegetable you will see every yellow, orange and red. Get as much color and variety as you can in your shopping cart. You will actually see a large selection of colors, for example when choosing fruit, you can pick bananas, blueberries, apples, oranges, pineapples and oranges. More colors mean that it is healthy and good for you. The same applies to vegetables too.

5. Take a healthy snack when you need a snack. You do not have to leave the snack to lose weight. Rather, it is better to take a snack until you eat the right foods.


Benefits of healthy diet

benefits of healthy diet
healthy diet

It may be difficult to follow a healthy diet, but it is important to spend a healthy life. Nutritious and well balanced meals with physical activity are the foundation of good health. Healthy foods include high quality proteins, carbohydrate, cardiovascular fats, vitamins, minerals and water. A healthy diet can not only help to maintain good health, but also helps maintain weight, reduce fatigue, stay away from diseases and stay alive for long periods of time. In addition, nutritious foods support your daily life activities, protect your cells from environmental damage, and repair any cellular damage.

In fact, eating healthy food is not difficult. There are many healthy foods that are tasty, easily available and can help you meet your daily nutritional needs. Here are some foods you can add to your daily diet:

1. Apple:

Apples are rich in fiber, antioxidant and vitamin C. Antioxidants help in fighting free radicals. Free radicals are harmful substances produced in the body which are involved in the process of aging and can cause some diseases.

2 eggs:

Eggs are among the most nutritious food items on the planet. An egg contains only 75 calories, but with high quality protein 7 grams, 5 grams of fat and 1.6 grams of saturated fats, iron, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoid. There is a power pack of nutrients fighting against diseases, such as egg lutein and zexantine.

3. Chicken Brest:

Chicken breast is less in fat and calories, but there is more protein in it. It is also a great source of many other nutrients. In addition, the eggs are perfect for gym regimens.

4. Avocado:

Avocado is full of healthy fat rather than carbohydrate. They are creamy, tasty and high in fiber, potassium and vitamin C. Adding it to your salad can increase the absorption of important nutrients such as beta carotene.

5. Almonds:

They are rich in Vitamin E, Antioxidant, Magnesium and Fiber. Studies show that almonds can help you to lose weight and improve mental health.

6. Broccoli:

Broccoli is a crossfase vegetable that makes both raw and cooked very good. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and vitamins, and it has a good amount of protein compared to other vegetables. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and vitamins, and it has a good amount of protein compared to other vegetables.

7. Garlic:

Garlic is incredibly healthy food. Alicin contains a bioactive complex with powerful biological effects, which includes improved immune function. Garlic is a powerful disease fighter which can stop the development of bacteria such as E. coli. Alicin, a compound found in garlic, acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory, and is known to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

8. Fish and Seafood:

Fish and seafood are very nutritious. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and iodine in particular, which is otherwise difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities. Salmon is a type of oily fish, which is incredibly popular due to its excellent flavor and high nutrients including protein and omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains some vitamin D Tuna, oysters, shrimp etc. are also very beneficial.

9. Oats:

Oats are incredibly healthy foods that are full of nutrients, and also include powerful fibers called beta-glucans. Oatmeal can help to maintain cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Oatmeal is also very rich in Vitamin B, Omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium.

10. Blue Barries:

Blueberries are rich in fiber, antioxidants and phenontrints. They help prevent diseases and stay healthy.

11. Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate is not only the most delicious food in this list, it can also be healthier. Dark chocolate is rich in fiber and magnesium, and is one of the most powerful sources of antioxidant.

12. Carrots:

Not only is it very tasty and crunchy, but it is a rich source of nutrients and minerals like fiber and vitamins. Carrot also contains carotene and is good for vision.

More benefits are given below:

1.Use nutritious diet for eggs and meats -

nutritious diet for eggs and meats
healthy diet

All types of diets are needed to keep your body healthy. There are both vegetarian and non-vegetarian treats. You can consume food items in the non-vegetarian category to get extra nourishment for your body. Let's go and see what kind of nutrients that promote our good health.

Eggs: You will be surprised to know that eggs are one of the most nutritious food items in the world. The first egg had a mentality that due to the high amount of cholesterol, the eggs had negative effects on health. But new studies make it clear that egg intake is completely safe.

Meats: It is a myth in the society that all meat is harmful. Well cooked or slowly cooked meat is the most healthy and nutritious.

Chicken Breasts: The amount of fat and calories is very small in chicken breast, but it is rich in protein. There are a lot of nutrients in it.

2.Nuts, seeds and peanuts for healthy food -

Nuts, seeds and peanuts for healthy diet
healthy diet

Dry fruits and seeds are also consumed after fat and calorie intake. Studies show that weight can be reduced by using these types of foods. These foods contain good amounts of nutrients, including magnesium and vitamin E. Let's include those in the Healthy Diet.

Chia Seeds: It is believed that Chia seeds are one of the most nutritious food items on the planet. There is 11 grams of fiber in 1 ounce (about 28 grams) of chia seeds, and contains magnesium manganese, calcium and many minerals. In this way you can consume it regularly and add it to your healthy diet.

Walnuts: Walnuts are highly nutritious. Because there is a good amount of fiber along with all types of vitamins are also in abundance.

Coconuts: Good quantities of fiber and powerful fatty acids are present in coconut, which are called medium chain triglycerides. For this reason it is very beneficial for our body.

Peanuts: Peanuts are technically no fruit but they are related to beans. Peanut has a good amount of antioxidants and nutrients and it is very tasty. Studies show that peanut is helpful in reducing excess weight.

Almonds: Almonds are known as the most popular fruit in dried fruits. Almonds are filled with vitamin E, antioxidant, magnesium and fiber. Studies show that almonds help to increase your weight and increase your memory.

3.Include in a healthy diet for grains -

Include in a healthy diet for grains -
healthy diet

In countries like India, the main basis of human life is food grains. We and you all consume plenty of grains. But it is not fair to use all the grains together. Because some grains are good for our health, then some are very good for health. Some food grains contain good amounts of carbohydrate. Therefore, it is advisable to consume foods with low carbohydrate. Let's go about healthy eating habits.

Oats: Oats can be trusted for your health. They are rich in nutrients, along with powerful fibers called beta-glucone, which are beneficial for our health.

Quinoa: Recently, Quinoa is becoming very popular among people. It is a delicious diet rich in nutrients such as fiber and magnesium. It is also considered a good source of plant-based protein.

Brown rice: Rice is one of the oldest grains that is used as the main food by almost half of the world. Brown rice is very nutritious, which contains a good amount of vitamin B 1 and magnesium.

Sprinkle Wheat germ: The germinated part of wheat is the part of wheat that is the seed of the seed that sprouted to grow in the form of a plant. It contains a good amount of nutrients such as vitamin E, folic acid, thiamine, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, fatty acids and fatty alcohols. Fibers in the germination of wheat are also in good quantity. Therefore, sprouted wheat should be included in our healthy diet.

4.Dairy Products Use in Nutritious Diet –

Dairy Products Use in Nutritious Diet
healthy diet

Some people are not interested in consuming dairy products. But for those who can use dairy products, it is a collection of many nutrients. Full fat dairy products are considered to be the best. Studies show that people who have full fat dairy products are less likely to have obesity and diabetes type 2 risk. If you use dairy products obtained from grass cows, it is even more beneficial for you.

Milk (Whole milk): A good amount of vitamins and minerals are present in milk. There is also high levels of animal protein and fat in milk. Milk is considered a good source of calcium.

Cheese: Paneer used as a dairy product is very nutritious. It is believed that a piece of cheese is equal to 1 cup milk. This is one of the most delicious food items you can add to your diet.

Yogurt: Yogurt is made from milk. There are live bacteria. In addition to the benefit of probiotic bacteria, which are considered to be good for our body, curd helps in improving health benefits like milk.

5.Tuber in the healthy diet -

Tuber in the healthy diet
healthy diet

Tuber is the storage organ of some plants. Many of these nutrients are stored in them. Let's talk about the tuber that is included in a healthy diet.

Potatoes: Potato is used worldwide as a popular food. Potatoes are filled with potassium and all other nutrients are well in addition to Vitamin C. One study states that boiled potatoes are more nutritious than other foods.

Sweet Potatoes: Sweet Potatoes can be consumed as a delicious and starchy food item. They contain good amounts of starch as well as antioxidants and healthy nutrients.


Generally, when we want to eat snack, we want to eat biscuits or crispy foods containing some packets. However, if you want to take a healthy snack then you can eat nuts, grains, fruits or vegetables. In this way, you will get energy and your stomach will also be filled till the next meal and you will be completely healthy.

Because you know what you like to eat, you really should plan your own healthy diet. Although the above advice can help you plan your healthy diet.


In this article we are trying to give you knowledge about HEALTHY DIET which is also very important for our life. I hope that all of you will like the information which is given in it.And follow a HEALTHY DIET.

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