SQUAT - Bloger Akshit

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Monday, December 31, 2018




Exercise is very important to bring the body in shape and make it fit. There are many such exercises, which reduce weight and makes the muscles strangable and fit you with fat. Squats are one of them. Squats have many advantages to flex the body and strengthen the muscles. These exercises are getting quite popular these days. People are also doing regular workouts through squat to stay fit. This is such a simple exercise, which not only exercises your hands or legs but also whole body. You can do stretch training without using any equipment in it. So add squat to your exercise and stay fit.

The special thing about squat exercise is that for this you need to know in a gym and do not have to spend money, but you can exercise squat anywhere at home. This will not only relieve your body, but you will feel stress-free yourself. So let us know how to squat, the benefits of squatting and easy ways to squat.

How to make squats

how to make squats

It is such a exercise, which you can do anywhere in the house. For this you must first keep your hands open to the front and stand straight and move the chest slightly outward. Now slowly folding your knees, sit in such a way that you are sitting on a chair. Keep your knees equal to the feet of the feet. Now bend down slowly and bow down until your thighs are equal to the ground. Keep the body tight. Now start this meeting today. Breathe while coming up. You can do this for 10 minutes. Initially, take 10 squats and then gradually move up to 12-15.

Benefits of squatting

benefits of squatting

1. The benefits of squatting will become physically strong-
Squat is beneficial not only for the feet but for your whole body. It makes your physique impresive. With the increase of metabolism levels, it helps burn extra fat in the body.

2. Fat Burner's Squat Exercise -
Squat exercise is called a fat burner. This is because because of this, you can reduce body fat faster. This increases your metabolic rate and fat is easily reduced. By doing this, the fat around the hips, hands and abdomen is also less rapid than not only the waist. It is believed that by doing regulatory squat, one can burn 500-700 extra calories.

3. Advantages of Squatting Increase Hormone Release -
These exercises promote the production of anabolic hormonesin your body. People who regularly exercise squat, testosterone and human growth hormones are more likely to do the squat than they do. Tell them these hormones develop muscles, make them strong and work to repair them as well.

4. The benefits of squat exercise for good balance -
It is very difficult to maintain body balance in changing lifestyle. For this, people save a variety of ways. But squat is beneficial in many ways to maintain body balance. Experts say that doing a squat exercise causes a pull in joints and bones, your body balance. This is a workout that fits our body with balance as well. This method proved to be effective in removing back pain in jokes.

5. The advantage of squats getting back to strength -
If you think your back is very weak, squat is the best exercise for you. This not only strengthens your back, but you can easily lift heavy luggage too.

6. Stress buster's Squat Workout -
Stress is rising among the people due to the hiccups and the cracks of the day. Simple exercises like squat can be adopted to overcome the stress. Squat exercise is a stress booster. Research has been told that this is the best way to increase the production of endorphins in our body. Endorphins act like a natural penkniller and also make good mood for your mood.

7. Squat exercise benefits prevent injury -
How often does it happen when you are hurt in a day? Pain is also very much. This is more like those whose muscles and ligaments are weak. That's why Squat Exercise protects you from these injuries. If this is done in your regular routine, then the leg muscles and bones will be strong and the chances of injury will be greatly reduced. Well, such a situation mostly happens with people who are related to some kind of sports.

Benefits of squatting for women

benefits of squatting for women

Squat exercises can be done by women in a big way, the benefits of squat exercise for women are many, we are telling you about the main benefits of squatting for women.

1. Body Pasteur Improve Squat in Women -
Squat makes women's body poiser improve. Women work by sitting or standing in the house and office all day long. In such a situation, their pustar is completely deteriorated, the result is pain in the back and back. Therefore, women are advised to make a regular squat. Not only will his pustur be fine, but physicists will also make them strong.

2. Make Squat Benefit Daily Activities Easier for Women -
How much work women have to do every day. There  are many things that they have to sit up again and again.  Where by they sometimes have back pain, and sometimes they are back problem. In this case, Squatt is the one who helps in making their daily activities easier.

3. Squat will reduce the problem of diabetes in women -
The problem of digestion in the body is due to the accumulation of dirty and toxic substances. In this way, the Muscular Motion Process, which is made through squatt, helps in the removal of these toxic substances. By which the digestive system improves.

4. SluLite reduction squats in women-
In females, fat is stored near the thighs. They do the exercise to fit themselves with fat, but they do not care about reducing the fat of the thighs. But squash can reduce the fat of the thighs to a great extent. Squatting strengthens the muscles and the fat starts to burn fast twice.

How to Benefit Men's Squat Exercises -

benefits of squatting for men

1. Benefits of Squat Exercise: Diseases in Men, Avoid Problems of High b p -
Squat is an important factor in reducing the risk of either female or male diseases. But most men in India are diagnosed with diabetes and hybipi. In such cases, squat is very beneficial for patients suffering from these diseases. It increases metabolism by reducing fat and cholesterol in the body. There are many other types of squatting techniques for men, through which they can boost their lungs and hearts.

2. Best for men's athlete's squat -
If you are an athlete or prefer sports, the squat here works to boost your performance. Men  who squat regularly, their muscles are strong, and improvements in the mobility of the hips and claws also.

3. Men's body will be flexible by squatting -
Men have to work many risks compared to women. For which they need more strength. For more strength it is necessary that the movement of their body organs is good. Therefore men are advised to make a regular squat. This makes their knee and part of the hips become resilient, and by doing so, it becomes easy to move and move for them. Not only this, the squat encourages men to work more while reducing the chances of men getting injured.

Whether squatting increases the butt size -

whether squatting increase the butt size

Many people have questions about whether hips increase due to squatting. Experts say that if you are squatting for 6 months continuously and do not pay attention to the hip size, then the size of the hip is natural. Actually, the part of the hip is used at squat, which is a big butt mussels. If you do any type of overtraining with this muscle, then the size of your butt increases steadily from the back, causing your body shape to worsen.

 Types of Squats Exercise You Should Be Doing For a Better Butt


Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and a mini band looped around your calves. Lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Pause, then push yourself back to starting position. That's one rep.


Grasp the head of a heavy dumbbell and hold it in front of your chest. Set your feet at about twice shoulder-width, your toes turned out slightly. Lower your body down by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Pause, then slowly push yourself back to the starting position. That's one rep.


Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them next to your shoulders. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Stand up and press the dumbbells directly above your shoulders. That's one rep.

4.     4.  SQUAT JACK

With your feet hip-width apart, lower your body until your knees are bent to almost 90 degrees. Explosively jump your legs outward, and then immediately jump to bring them back to starting position. That's one rep.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell at arm's length in front of you. Lower your body as far as you can while using both arms to raise the dumbbell to shoulder height. Push yourself back to standing and lower the weight. That's one rep.

6.     6.   SQUAT JUMP

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms by your sides. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower until your upper thighs are parallel to the floor. Raise your arms until they are parallel with the floor. Pause, then jump as high as you can while swinging your arms back toward your sides. Land and reset. That's one rep.


Hold a dumbbell close to your chest with both hands, keeping your elbows next to your sides. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Lower your body as far as you can. At the bottom of the squat, extend your arms straight out in front of you and bring them back to your chest. Pause, then push yourself back up to stand.

8.    8.  SPLIT SQUAT

Stand in a staggered stance, right foot about two feet in front of left, hands on hips. Slowly lower your body as far as you can. Pause, then quickly push yourself back up to starting position. That's one rep. Repeat on the opposite side.


Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm's length next to your sides, palms facing each other. Stand in a staggered stance, your right foot in front of your left. Slowly lower your body as far as you can. Pause, then push yourself back up quickly while raising your arms straight out to the sides until they're even with your shoulders. That's one rep.

Do not make mistakes while squatting -

do not make mistake while squatting

Squats are a very good exercise, but it is very important to make routines for them. If you do not do this you can risk your body yourself.

  • Do not stress your lower part during squat, it can cause injury to the spinal cord.
  • It is important to keep your thighs parallel to the ground while doing squats.
  • During the squat, the full weight of your body should be on the heel, but some people keep their full weight on the claw instead of the heel during the squat, which has bad effect on their knees.

Many people do not believe this, but it is true that it is necessary to wear the right shoe during the squat. It is better to wear thin and hardened sweat shoes so that you can transfer your power to the ground with your feet. Avoid wearing lots of cushioned shoes while squatting.


I hope that all of you will like this article and gain a lot of  knowledge and benefits about SQUATS which is a very useful EXERCISE in our daily life.

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